Experimenting is the best way to discover how to use watercolor and its various techniques, and this quick watercolor painting tutorial is perfect for beginners. It finishes off with an easy portrait painting as well!
Categories: Intermediate Techniques , Step-By-Step Lessons
Is it possible to create a watercolor greeting card without using any watercolor techniques?? Guess we'll have to find out in this Mother's Day special!
Categories: Step-By-Step Painting Ideas , Beginner Techniques
In this lesson, we're learning how to paint 3 easy backgrounds while picking up new watercolor techniques. If you're interested in learning and experimenting more with the wet-in-wet method, this is the tutorial for you!
Categories: Beginner Techniques
Using watercolor pencils is a unique and incredible way to combine painting and drawing to create art. It's a medium that provides you with the best of both worlds. They look like regular colored pencils but behave like watercolors when mixed with water.
Categories: Watercolor Lessons
Watercolor calligraphy looks intimidating, but it's actually quite simple and fun! Improve your hand lettering skills with these quick and easy beginner techniques brought to you by Jetpens.
Categories: Watercolor Lessons , Beginner Techniques
It's the Easter season, and you know what that means: Easter decorations! Join us as we paint watercolor Easter eggs in this easy step-by-step watercolor tutorial.
Categories: Step-By-Step Painting Ideas , Beginner Techniques
Materials used: Brushes 1 1/2" (381mm) Flat Winsor & Newton Series 965 " Grumbacher Aquarelle Flat Red Sable #12 Winsor & Newton Series 7 Red Sable #10 Winsor & Newton Series 820 Red Sable #6 Grumbacher Watercolor Classic Paints Sap Green Hooker's Green Dark Pthalocyanine Blue Cobalt Blue Dioxazine Purple Alizarin Crimson Permanent Rose Raw Sienna Burnt Umber Paper Spiral Pad (11" x 14") Canson #140 cold pressed< Miscellaneous #2 Pencil Kneaded Eraser Palette - Your choice. Mine is an old Robert E. Wood model. Water container (2) and water Hair dryer (optional) Step One: Preparing reference art After developing...
Categories: Step-By-Step Painting Ideas , Watercolor Lessons , Intermediate TechniquesStep Six: Out of the shadows After thoroughly removing the frisket and redrawing lost areas, I painted the shadow areas on the lighthouse in the same blue as the sky. Next I used blues, grays, and greens to paint the causeway leading to the lighthouse. I fished these colors from the various mixtures already on my palette. While I had a clean mixture of Hooker's green in my #5 brush I invented some landscaping at the base of the building. I studied the forms at the base of the building and redrew them, a light colored rail and pier was...
Categories: Step-By-Step Painting Ideas , Watercolor Lessons , Intermediate Techniques