Gridding to the rescue! Gridding will help you get everything straight. Your output won't look like Naive Art unless that's what you want. Gridding will make sure that you get the proportions right. And it will enable you to put everything in the right places. Without squelching your creativity.
Categories: Preparing for Painting , Beginner Techniques
Discover the importance of taking time to decompress and restore inner peace through meditation and painting. Join a meditative paint-along session on Facebook Live and learn how to reduce stress, improve your mood, and increase your overall sense of well-being. Meditation and painting can have a positive impact on your mental health, promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and enhancing your creativity.
Categories: Watercolor Lessons , Preparing for Painting
Are you struggling to find the right paper for your watercolor paintings? In this blog post, we'll give you some tips on how to select the perfect watercolor paper for your artwork. We also have a mini course that is included in your monthly membership where Diane Bradley goes into detail with some examples.
Categories: Watercolor Lessons , Preparing for Painting , Tutorial Preview
Discover the differences between Payne's Gray and Davy's Gray in watercolor painting. Learn how to use each color to create beautiful works of art and experiment with different techniques.
Categories: Intermediate Techniques , Color Theory , Preparing for Painting
If you struggle with meditation, you're not alone. Many people find it difficult to quiet their minds and find inner peace. However, there is a simple and effective alternative that can help you achieve a more meditative state: watercolor painting. In this post, we'll explore how watercolor painting can help you find inner calm, even if you can't meditate.
Categories: Watercolor Lessons , Preparing for Painting , Beginner Techniques
Stress can have a significant impact on your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. It can cause headaches, rashes, brain fog, and even chest pain... But don't worry, there are easy ways to restore balance. Watercolor painting is one of them. Keep reading to learn how watercolor painting can help you manage stress levels and restore your inner peace. (Keep reading until the end for the SECRET)
Categories: Intermediate Techniques , Advanced Techniques , Preparing for Painting , Beginner Techniques
Have you seen those 500 color sets of paint? Do you really need all that? While it may be fun to pretend to be a princess and have every color available to mankind… this really not a good plan for buying paint. Unless you are really enamored with a special tint, it’s best to leave most of the colors at the store and only bring home a few… and I will tell you why.
Categories: Preparing for Painting
Our guide today is Kelly Eddington. We’ve featured Kelly’s lessons on Beebly’s before. She continues to inspire and guide us towards the meticulous perfection that she herself achieves when working with watercolors.
Categories: Preparing for Painting