Gridding to the rescue! Your tools for practicing watercolor painting.
Gridding to the rescue! Gridding will help you get everything straight. Your output won't look like Naive Art unless that's what you want. Gridding will make sure that you get the proportions right. And it will enable you to put everything in the right places. Without squelching your creativity.
Categories: Preparing for Painting , Beginner TechniquesFebruary 29th, 2024
"April showers bring May flowers", so here's a fun floral-themed lesson for you to enjoy! Let's paint unique watercolor flowers - rose edition - with Dana as she walks us through some basic watercolor techniques.
Categories: Step-By-Step Painting Ideas
February 29th, 2024
Gridding to the rescue! Your tools for practicing watercolor painting.
Gridding to the rescue! Gridding will help you get everything straight. Your output won't look like Naive Art unless that's what you want. Gridding will make sure that you get the proportions right. And it will enable you to put everything in the right places. Without squelching your creativity.
Categories: Preparing for Painting , Beginner Techniques
November 21st, 2023
Charting a Safe Course: Navigating Watercolor Painting Hazards
Discover essential safety tips for watercolor painting in this insightful article. Learn about selecting non-toxic materials, maintaining a safe workspace, and understanding potential hazards associated with certain pigments. Empower your artistic journey with practical guidance for a safe and mindful painting practice.
Categories: Watercolor LessonsLearn how to paint beautiful watery landscapes with reflections and human figures with Vinita Pappas' beginner-friendly tutorial.
Categories: Step-By-Step Painting Ideas , Watercolor Lessons
Watercolor paint is a versatile art medium. You can use watercolor paints to apply to everything from fabrics and wood to stone, canvas, and paper. However, most professional artists usually use watercolor paper to create paintings. For hundreds of years, watercolor painting has remained...
Categories: Watercolor Lessons
Phi Divine Proportion and the Golden Spiral Pleasing shapes, interesting coincidences, existential ramifications, and some mathematics reality... using this unique set of mathematical concepts can create an innate linear balance when used formally for composing your artwork. This is one of those weird places where science interacts with visual aesthetics, philosophy, and the meaning of life. Maybe. : Phi = 1.618033988749895... The Golden Number, prounounced "fi" as in "fly." In the Golden Rectangle with A as the height and B as the width, the ratio reveals itself: A is to B as B is to the sum of A and...
Categories: Step-By-Step Painting Ideas , Watercolor Lessons , Advanced Techniques , Step-By-Step Lessons
American Edgar A. Whitney was an avid teacher and made beautiful art influenced by elements of modern design and the wet in wet technique of J.W.S. Cox and others. Mr. Whitney's book "The Complete Guide to Watercolor" has been a mainstay in many artist's reference libraries. His influence can be found in many contemporary watercolorist's work. — Watercolor Masters: Edgar A. Whitney © 2010 Greg Conley —
Categories: Artists in Action
Minna Immonen is a Finnish artist who specializes in art for children's books. She has created a very popular series of postcards with her paintings which are sold in stores across Finland and all over Scandinavia. Her paintings are also used to adorn magnets, dishes, clothes, and more.
Categories: Artists in Action
How to paint photo-realistic snowy trees & bushes without tripping over yourself.
Categories: Step-By-Step Painting Ideas , Watercolor Lessons , Intermediate Techniques , Step-By-Step Lessons , Color Theory
American "John Marin was born in Rutherford, New Jersey, and grew up in nearby Weehawken. He attended the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, studying with Thomas Anshutz, then studied at the Art Students League in New York, and from 1905 to 1909, studied in Europe. In Paris, he associated with the Fauvist circle. John Marin earned a reputation for abstract watercolor paintings influenced by Cubism and Futurism. He was one of the Taos, New Mexico Colony painters in the late 1920s, and his work is credited as an important precedent to Abstract Expressionism. Because he was so respected nationally,...
Categories: Artists in Action