August 18th, 2015
Watercolor Class Preview: Learn the basics of design and composition and how to carefully plan out a painting Learn about the different elements to consider when planning a still life painting, such as lighting, depth, and overlap How to create a quick rough sketch to plan out your painting and why it is important to make the sketch small Learn about positive and negative shapes and how they affect the composition of your painting How to check your composition by turning the picture upside down and sideways, or reflect it in a mirror Learn why it is important to plan...
Categories: Beginner Lessons

September 10th, 2015
Watercolor Class Preview: Kung gives a live lesson to a live audience, complete with questions and comments from the audience How to paint a shiny surface (apple) versus a fuzzy surface (kiwi) Learn about the qualities to consider when choosing your subject, composition, and color scheme How to draw a sketch from a still life before you begin painting Learn why it is best to not draw your initial sketch too heavily Learn about angles and how to measure them with a still life Why it is important to mix masking fluid well before using it How to protect your...
Categories: Beginner Lessons , All Lessons

November 12th, 2015
Watercolor Class Preview: How to paint an animal portrait from start to finish How to sketch effectively from a reference photo Why drawing simple shapes when you first begin your drawing Why it is best to draw lightly and not too heavy when making your sketch Why it is important to start with the light color values first and working your way to the darker values as you go How to create animal fur texture using a special brush technique How to create a focal point in order to bring attention to your painting How squinting can help you see the...
Categories: Advanced Lessons , Technique Lessons , All Lessons

April 30th, 2016
Watercolor Class Preview: How to paint liquid without breaking a sweat. Why a "compositional rough" is worth sketching before painting a single stroke. Watercolor techniques for painting glass and subtle reflections. How to paint shadows and highlights for lemons, which tend to be reflective. Why adding a simple background can make a lot of sense when painting glass. How to mix colors for bringing out fine details. Paints On The Palette (Holbein Artists' Watercolors) Cadmium Yellow Light Aureolin Cadmium Yellow Orange Cadmium Red Deep Permanent Alizarin Crimson Opera Ultramarine Deep Cobalt Blue Cerulean Blue Peacock Blue Payne’s Grey Neutral Tint Paper: Arches 140-pound coldpress watercolor...
Categories: All Lessons , Advanced Lessons

August 4th, 2016
We’re tackling a landscape in this lesson, this time a simple coastal scene. You can expect to learn how to create a dramatic painting from a reference photo, and how to capture natural landscapes and landforms. You’ll also learn an atmospheric perspective technique which you can use to create the illusion of depth in a painting. PREVIEW How to apply the "atmospheric perspective" watercolor technique to suggest distance. How to paint an active sky right before sunset. How to dramatize a painting based on a reference photo. How to mix primary and complimentary colors. How to paint ocean surf. How to...
Categories: All Lessons , Beginner Lessons

December 28th, 2017
Watercolor Techniques Class Preview: How to copy an oil painting using watercolor. How to paint Monets famous Sunset painting. How to paint a close-up of water and waves. How to sketch and color different sections of the whole art piece and how they are all combined. How to manipulate colors to give your painting more emotion. How to paint while understanding eye-level and perception of the viewer and the art piece. How to fix mistakes and remove watercolor when you mess up. How to create reflections of objects in the water. How to understand the difference between sea and sky...
Categories: Beginner Lessons , All Lessons

February 1st, 2018
Watercolor Techniques Class Preview: How to copy an oil painting using watercolor. How to paint patterns. How to paint layers. How to sketch and color different sections of the whole art piece without being scattered. How to manipulate colors to give your painting more emotion. How to paint using primarily warm colors. How to fix mistakes and remove watercolor when you mess up. How to give your shadows depth and dimension. Paints: Holbein Artists’ Watercolors Indigo Cobalt Blue Cerulean Blue Cobalt Green Turquoise Blue Phthalo Blue Leaf Green Chromium Green Oxide Olive Green Cadmium Yellow Lemon Naples Yellow Quinacridone Gold Gamboge...
Categories: Technique Lessons , Advanced Lessons

March 5th, 2018
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to combine elements from different reference images, and how to paint them so that they harmonize on the page. You’ll also learn how to paint naturally colorful elements without creating a muddy color. You ready? Let’s dive in! PREVIEW How to paint sections of color. How to paint layers. How to overlap sketches. How to manipulate colors to give your painting more emotion. How to paint create a figure with multiple colors. How to fix mistakes and remove watercolor when you mess up. How to use bright colors without making them look like light....
Categories: Intermediate Lessons , All Lessons