Watercolor Techniques For Copying A Famous Sunset Painting By Monet
Are you interested in learning how to create stunning watercolor paintings using high-quality artist colors and brushes? William Dunn's tutorial on how to copy Monet's "Sunrise" with watercolors is a fun way to learn technique and connect with your inner genius. As an award-winning watercolorist, William is well-equipped to guide you step-by-step through the process of mixing colors, applying them to paper, and creating a beautiful piece of art that you'll be proud to display. Using high-quality artist' materials you'll be able to create the perfect strokes and effects to bring your painting to life. From preparing your paper to taping it down and adding finishing touches, William will teach you everything you need to know to create your own masterpiece. Get William Dunn's instructional video on painting Monet's "Sunrise" today and start creating beautiful watercolor paintings!
Watercolor Techniques Class Preview:
How to copy an oil painting using watercolor.
How to paint Monets famous Sunset painting.
How to paint a close-up of water and waves.
How to sketch and color different sections of the whole art piece and how they are all combined.
How to manipulate colors to give your painting more emotion.
How to paint while understanding eye-level and perception of the viewer and the art piece.
How to fix mistakes and remove watercolor when you mess up.
How to create reflections of objects in the water.
How to understand the difference between sea and sky in relation to color.
Paints (Holbein Artists’ Watercolors)
Lemon Yellow
Tad Yellow Deep
Brilliant Orange
Pyrrole Red
Alizarin Crimson
Cobalt Violet Light
Deep Magenta
Olive Green
Chromium of Oxide
Cobalt Green Light
Leaf Green
Cerulean Blue
Cobalt Blue
Prussian Blue
Neutral Tint (Transparent Black)
Ivory Black
Burnt Umber
Burnt Sienna
Yellow Ochre
Quinacridone Gold
Watercolor Paper: 140-pound Fluid100 Coldpress watercolor Paper (12x16)
Escoda Synthetic Brush (size 20)
Need round Brush (size 12)
Need round Brush (size 8)
Rigger Brush
Regular Toothbrush
3 inch Craft Gum Tape (2 inch commonly sold in most art stores)
Graph Gear 1000 Mechanical Pencil w/ 0.9...