Did you know monoprinting can be a watercolor technique? Here's how to use it to produce one-of-a-kind watercolor prints.
Categories: Step-By-Step Painting Ideas , Watercolor Lessons , Advanced Techniques , Step-By-Step Lessons
Your fan brush is more versatile than you'd think! Here are 4 clever watercolor techniques using your regular ol' fan brush.
Categories: Watercolor Lessons , Color Theory , Beginner Techniques
These watercolor techniques put the word "color" in "watercolor." Includes an example landscape painting for you to follow along and try these techniques.
Categories: Watercolor Lessons , Advanced Techniques , Step-By-Step Lessons
Watercolor brush pens will be an excellent addition to your art supplies if you like painting, coloring, or drawing. These pens come with smooth brush tips and vibrant colors and offer great control and precision and allow you to create the effects of regular watercolor.
Categories: Watercolor Lessons
Use this watercolor technique to intentionally drip watercolors into a vibrant color collage.
Categories: Step-By-Step Painting Ideas , Watercolor Lessons , Step-By-Step Lessons , Color Theory , Beginner Techniques
Using everyday plastic saran wrap can be a nifty watercolor technique for producing unique textures and backgrounds.
Categories: Watercolor Lessons , Beginner Techniques
Techniques for using your blow dryer to dry your painting faster without messing everything up.
Categories: Watercolor Lessons , Color Theory , Beginner Techniques
The Classic The Classic grip for holding a watercolor brush is much like the way you hold a pen or pencil for writing. The only difference being that you (for the most part) are gripping the brush further from the business end of things. Pick up your brush and grip the thickest part of the handle above the ferrulle—the body of the brush—and hold it like you are getting ready to write a letter. Remember writing? Weigh the brush in your hand, roll it with your fingers, find the balance of the brush in your grip. Since you are holding...
Categories: Watercolor Lessons , Preparing for Painting , Beginner Techniques