September 20th, 2015
Watercolor Class Preview: Lavar gives a live lesson to a live audience, complete with questions from the audience How to paint a realistic dog portrait Why sketching and tracing paper is your safety net if your entire painting falls apart How to create highlights with liquid frisket (also called masking fluid) without ruining expensive brushes How your painting process affects balance Why it's useful to compare the process of painting to the process of building a house How to paint realistic animal fur How to layer your painting for realistic results How to lift paint How to paint delicate areas Why...
Categories: Advanced Lessons , All Lessons

June 14th, 2015
Watercolor Class Preview: Lavar gives a live lesson to a live audience, complete with questions from the audience How to use watercolor frisket to preserve the white of the canvas to create highlights Learn about the properties of different watercolor paints, paintbrushes, watercolor paper, and illustration boards Learn about the grisaille watercolor painting technique and how to use it in your painting Learn to paint with glazes to create the texture of fur Why it is important to pay close attention when painting the dark shadow shapes of your picture How to fix a mistake by lifting color with a...
Categories: Technique Lessons , Advanced Lessons , All Lessons