Paint this cute furry Tri-Colored Kitten: Create Highlights by Lifting and Using Negative Space.

In this tutorial, we present "How to Paint a Tricolored Kitten" with expert watercolor artist Vanda Lavar. This video is designed to help you understand the intricacies of fur painting, color blocking, and layering. Vanda will guide you through the properties of watercolors and show you how to use a neutral-based charcoal watercolor to create a grise wash, a technique used as a base for oil painting. Vanda will demonstrate how to establish the dark side of the kitten's face, painting with dry brush techniques and layering with glazes to create fur texture. She will also show you how to use liquid frisket to preserve the brightest highlights of the painting. You will learn to keep track of shapes, maintain accurate shadow shapes, and use a dedicated brush to preserve the brightness of the kitten's blue eyes. You're in good hands with Vanda, who is an award-winning watercolorist and was mentored by renowned wildlife artists like Carl Brenters and Leslie Harrison. Get your supplies, and join Vanda as she teaches you how to paint a tricolored kitten, step-by-step.
Watercolor Class Preview: Lavar gives a live lesson to a live audience, complete with questions from the audience How to use watercolor frisket to preserve the white of the canvas to create highlights Learn about the properties of different watercolor paints, paintbrushes, watercolor paper, and illustration boards Learn about the grisaille watercolor painting technique and how to use it in your painting Learn to paint with glazes to create the texture of fur Why it is important to pay close attention when painting the dark shadow shapes of your picture How to fix a mistake by lifting color with a clean paintbrush How to create lifts and highlights by using a bright color such as yellow ochre or orange How to prevent smears while you are painting How to paint the details and shadowing of the eyes in a three quarter view portrait How to carefully remove dry frisket with your fingers and/or a toothpick Learn about the details that make or break the realistic look or your kitten Learn the importance of testing your paintbrushes on a separate paper before you apply them to your canvas Why it is important to have a variety of paintbrushes at your disposal...

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Vanda Lavar
Vanda Lavar


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