Learn how to paint a seascape. Navigate the entire process, starting with just a reference photo, all the way through to completion.
Categories: Step-By-Step Painting Ideas , Watercolor Lessons , Intermediate Techniques , Step-By-Step Lessons
Use alcohol as a watercolor technique for painting interesting textures.
Categories: Watercolor Lessons , Intermediate Techniques , Step-By-Step Lessons , Color Theory
Embellish your written words through the clever use of watercolor and calligraphy. This watercolor technique shared by Linsey Bugbee is a step-by-step crash course on watercolor calligraphy for beginners.
Categories: Step-By-Step Painting Ideas , Watercolor Lessons , Intermediate Techniques , Step-By-Step Lessons
Learn how to add a unique effect to watercolor using a common condiment by following Jennifer McGuire in her card-making tutorial.
Categories: Step-By-Step Painting Ideas , Watercolor Lessons , Intermediate Techniques , Step-By-Step Lessons , Color Theory
More than words A step-by-step introduction to artistic journaling I've been asked repeatedly to conduct classes on creating journal art. However, the process is so easy that instead of classes I decided to just share the steps with anyone who is interested in creating their own journal art. Supplies used for this lesson: Sketch book, with paper that is heavy enough for watercolor Watercolor Pencils Watercolor Crayons Small Angled Paint Brush (Nothing expensive) Ultra Fine Sharpie Pen Light Lead Pencil Pencil Sharpener Step by Step 1. It helps if you actually journal, meaning writing down anything that goes through your...
Categories: Watercolor Lessons , Intermediate TechniquesWhat are the professional watercolorists preferences for tools and colors? The following lists include color, paper and brush preferences of accomplished, professional artists, past and present. For some artists, it doesn't take much in the way of materials to make great art. CHARLES BURCHFIELD (1893-1967) Paper: Early work - mounted light weight HP Strathmore; Mid career - HP, CP or Rough, usually CP Whatman or Arnold; Late career - mould-made rag papers, gelatine sized. Brushes/Palette: 1 pointed red sable, 3 straight black sable (camel hair) brights, 4 diagonally trimmed brights, 2 pig bristle brights cut short (for scrubbing). Palette used...
Categories: Watercolor Lessons , Intermediate Techniques
Stretching your watercolor paper has certain aesthetic advantages. You'll end up with a perfectly flat surface on which to work. This surface will stay relatively flat as you work and the finished painting will dry perfectly flat. The only disadvantage is that it takes some effort and dedication to do it consistently. Any paper of less than #300 weight is bound to warp according to the amount of water absorbed in the painting process. Synthetic papers generally do not warp at all. Watercolor paper in prepared blocks will dry flat also, if left on the block to dry. There are...
Categories: Watercolor Lessons , Intermediate Techniques
Philsophy of Sumi-e The Philosophy of Sumi-e is contrast and harmony, expressing simple beauty and elegance. The Tai Chi diagram demonstrates the perfectly balanced interchange of the two dynamically opposed forces of the Universe, the dot represents integration. Sumi-e employs these principles of nature's vitality in its design and execution. The balance and integration of these forces and the eternal interaction of Yin Yang are the ultimate goal of Sumi-e. The art of brush painting, aims to depict the spirit, rather than the semblance of the object. In creating a picture the artist must grasp the spirit of the subject....
Categories: Watercolor Lessons , Intermediate Techniques