January 10th, 2017
Preview Of Watercolor Class On How To Paint Sand: How to paint sand without just painting brown blobs How to sketch a beach scene with umbrellas, seats, men and women, water, sand, and trees How to use different brushes for painting different things How to paint a colorful, non-traditional sky How to paint human figures in various poses How to use colors to add a "summer feeling" to the painting Paints On The Palette (Various Brands) Lemon Yellow Orange Bright Orange Permanent Alizarin Crimson Cadmium Red Light Lavender Deep Purple Deep deep Purple (Mineral Violet) Olive Green Chromium of Oxide Viridian ...
Categories: Beginner Lessons

October 31st, 2016
Watercolor Class Preview: How to sketch and paint a thumbnail using a reference photo for value preference. Using a thumbnail to plan out the color balance of your eventual painting. Mixing primary colors with earth colors to achieve an authentic recreation of a genre scene. Using different brushes for painting buildings Different techniques for painting various types of foliage Watercolor technique for painting palm trees Paints On The Palette (Various Brands) Lemon Yellow Orange Bright Orange Permanent Alizarin Crimson Cadmium Red Light Lavender Deep Purple Deep deep Purple (Mineral Violet) Olive Green Chromium of Oxide Viridian Cobalt Green Leaf Green Cerulean...
Categories: Intermediate Lessons , All Lessons

September 11th, 2016
Watercolor Class Preview: How to prepare to paint a busy amusement park scene. Planning a very colorful and detailed composition. How to sketch an amusement park with a roller coaster, a log ride, and different colored buildings. How to apply "wet in wet" technique to paint mountains in the background. How to mix colors properly when painting multiple buildings. How to use white paint for details throughout the painting process. Using the "splatter" technique to add a coastal feel to the amusement park and beach. Paints On The Palette (Various Brands) Lemon Yellow Orange Bright Orange Permanent Alizarin Crimson Cadmium Red Light Lavender Deep Purple Deep...
Categories: Intermediate Lessons , All Lessons

August 4th, 2016
We’re tackling a landscape in this lesson, this time a simple coastal scene. You can expect to learn how to create a dramatic painting from a reference photo, and how to capture natural landscapes and landforms. You’ll also learn an atmospheric perspective technique which you can use to create the illusion of depth in a painting. PREVIEW How to apply the "atmospheric perspective" watercolor technique to suggest distance. How to paint an active sky right before sunset. How to dramatize a painting based on a reference photo. How to mix primary and complimentary colors. How to paint ocean surf. How to...
Categories: All Lessons , Beginner Lessons

May 31st, 2016
PREVIEW Essential preparation tips with pencil and paper before your first brushstroke How to tackle your painting in multiple stages, and how to determine each stage What dimensions you should pick for your painting How scraping can be used as a watercolor technique for painting forests How to paint realistic reflections on water with wet-on-wet watercolor techniques How "lifting" watercolor techniques create the illusion of sun reflecting on water How to create "visual cues" to create the illusion of water What colors you can mix for realistic water What colors you can mix for realistic autumn forests Paints On The Palette (Holbein...
Categories: All Lessons , Advanced Lessons

March 30th, 2016
Watercolor Class Preview: How to frame and compose a painting based on imagination, not a reference photo How to mix powerful color combinations for beautiful sunsets How to apply wet-on-wet wash techniques to paint a stunning sky How to use negative painting to create the illusion of brightness How to paint ripples in the water How to paint palm trees Paints On The Palette (Holbein Artists' Watercolors) Cadmium Yellow Light Aureolin Cadmium Yellow Orange Cadmium Red Deep Permanent Alizarin Crimson Opera Ultramarine Deep Cobalt Blue Cerulean Blue Peacock Blue Payne’s Grey Neutral Tint Paper: Arches 140-pound coldpress watercolor paper, 6" x 9"...
Categories: Beginner Lessons , All Lessons

March 7th, 2016
Watercolor Class Preview: How to study and sketch cirrus clouds and mountains Drawing shapes and designing from careful observation rather than painting preconceived ideas of what objects should look like Wet-in-wet technique How to manage water and paint in order to create soft edges while painting How to paint the changing hues of the sky How to create soft vs. hard edges How to create depth according to the aerial perspective How to paint snow-capped mountains and its shadows Paints On The Palette (Holbein Artists' Watercolors) Opera Permanent Alizarin Crimson Permanent Violet Mineral Violet Cobalt Blue Cerulean Blue Peacock Blue...
Categories: Beginner Lessons , All Lessons

December 9th, 2015
Watch all 5 parts to see the whole creation process step by step. Watercolor Class Preview: How to think through all the decisions required to paint a complete seascape How to prepare by drawing a thumbnail sketch to assess values How to establish your game plan for navigating all phases of a painting Techniques for painting fluffy clouds Tips for "painting white" using negative painting techniques How to paint water and reflections on water How to paint rocky textures How to paint a lighthouse How to paint houses When to finish a painting Paints On The Palette (Holbein Artists' Watercolors): French Ultramarine...
Categories: Intermediate Lessons , All Lessons