Watercolor Tutorial On A Colorful Amusement Park

This beautiful watercolor tutorial is an interpretation of a live scene at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk in California. An award-winning artist William Dunn takes you through his process of simplifying and reimaging the scene step-by-step. At the same time, he shares his expertise on equipment, composition, and technique. He uses high-quality Fabriano 140-pound cold press paper and a palette of top-notch Holbein, Windsor Newton, Daniel Smith, and Senelier watercolor paints. Bill's favorite pencil, the Graph Gear 1000, allows for the precise drawing of big shapes first, which he emphasizes is crucial to ensure correct proportions. He also shares his tips for softening up the watercolor paints with a spray bottle and using artist' tape to create a clean, white border around the painting when finished. Bill's charming personality and smooth approach make this video a must-watch for any watercolor enthusiast looking to take their skills to the next level.
Watercolor Class Preview: How to prepare to paint a busy amusement park scene. Planning a very colorful and detailed composition. How to sketch an amusement park with a roller coaster, a log ride, and different colored buildings. How to apply "wet in wet" technique to paint mountains in the background. How to mix colors properly when painting multiple buildings. How to use white paint for details throughout the painting process. Using the "splatter" technique to add a coastal feel to the amusement park and beach. Paints On The Palette (Various Brands) Lemon Yellow Orange Bright Orange Permanent Alizarin Crimson Cadmium Red Light Lavender Deep Purple Deep deep Purple (Mineral Violet) Olive Green Chromium of Oxide Viridian  Cobalt Green Leaf Green Cerulean Blue Cobalt Blue Ultramarine Blue Indigo Neutral Tint Ivory Black Burnt Umber Burnt Sienna Yellow Ochre Quinacridone Gold White paint (in a tube) Watercolor Paper: Fabriano 140-pound rough watercolor paper Brushes: Escoda Joseph Zbukvic Signature Series Round Brush (20) Escoda Joseph Zbukvic Signature Series Round Brush (12) Escoda Joseph Zbukvic Signature Series Round Brush (8)  Neef Rigger Brush (6) Neef Rigger Brush (8) Neef Rigger Brush (10) Windsor Newton Series 7 Brush Miscellaneous: Mechanical pencil with 0.7 lead for sketching and tracing Container of clean water Auxiliary tray...

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William Dunn
William Dunn


3.00 Instructor rating