Techniques for painting with a dry brush to produce specific textures.
Categories: Step-By-Step Painting Ideas , Watercolor Lessons , Step-By-Step Lessons , Beginner Techniques
Techniques for using your blow dryer to dry your painting faster without messing everything up.
Categories: Watercolor Lessons , Color Theory , Beginner Techniques
Materials Used: Brushes 1 1/2" (381mm) Flat Winsor & Newton Series 965 1" Grumbacher Aquarelle Flat Red Sable #12 Winsor & Newton Series 7 Red Sable #10 Winsor & Newton Series 820 Red Sable #6 Grumbacher Watercolor Classic Red Sable #4 Round Red Sable Paints Sap Green Hooker's Green Dark Phthalocyanine Blue Cobalt Blue Dioxazine Purple Alizarin Crimson Permanent Rose Raw Sienna Burnt Umber Paper Spiral Pad (11" x 14") by Canson: 140lb cold press watercolor paper Miscellaneous #2 Pencil Kneaded Eraser Palette - Your choice. Mine is an old Robert E. Wood model. Water container (x2) with clean water...
Categories: Step-By-Step Painting Ideas , Watercolor Lessons , Beginner Techniques
Materials Used: Brushes 1 1/2" (381mm) Flat Winsor & Newton Series 965 1" Grumbacher Aquarelle Flat Red Sable #12 Winsor & Newton Series 7 Red Sable #10 Winsor & Newton Series 820 Red Sable #6 Grumbacher Watercolor Classic Red Sable Paints Sap Green Hooker's Green Dark Phthalocyanine Blue Cobalt Blue Dioxazine Purple Alizarin Crimson Permanent Rose Raw Sienna Burnt Umber Paper Arches 140lb cold press watercolor block (size 12" x 16") Miscellaneous #2 Pencil Kneaded Eraser Palette - Your choice. Mine is an old Robert E. Wood model. Water container (x2) filled with clean water Hair dryer (optional) Step 1: Preliminary...
Categories: Step-By-Step Painting Ideas , Watercolor Lessons , Beginner Techniques
Follow along as Isabella Kung sketches and paints realistic fruit. We cover composition, different surfaces, masking fluid, shapes, and much more in this simple yet useful exercise. Click here if you prefer watching a step-by-step video on our Beeblys WatercolorPainting.com. Materials used: Reference picture of some fruits, or just place some real fruits on a sheet of paper H or HB pencil A block of Arches cold press watercolor paper (140lb, size 10" x 14") Paint palette for watercolor paints Kneaded eraser Grumbacher Masking Fluid Rubber cement pickup (a.k.a. natural rubber pickup) Paper towel Towel Tabletop easel or book to prop painting...
Categories: Step-By-Step Painting Ideas , Watercolor Lessons , Beginner Techniques
A weird composition, but a fun painting to build using liquid frisket technique. I used some interesting all over glazing techniques and a lot of detailed and textured brushwork. Materials used: Brushes 1 1/2" (381mm) Flat Winsor & Newton Series 965 1" Flat Grumbacher Red Sable w/beveled handle #6 Grumbacher Watercolor Classic Red Sable #5 Marx Scripto Red Sable Rigger #6 Liquitex Synthetic Basic Round 690 (For Frisket use) Grafix Incredible Nib Frisket Grafix Incredible White Mask Liquid Frisket Paints Sap Green Hooker's Green Dark Cerulean Blue Cobalt Blue Dioxazine Purple Alizarin Crimson Permanent Rose Raw Sienna Buhttps://amzn.to/3kzlkQmrnt Umber Lamp...
Categories: Step-By-Step Painting Ideas , Watercolor Lessons , Beginner Techniques
After underpainting in bright basic hues, I develop a field and the tree line in high silhouette. This was a fun experiment. Materials used: Brushes 1 1/2" (381mm) Flat Winsor & Newton Series 965 #10 Winsor & Newton 820 round red sable #5 Scripto Red Sable Rigger #8 Winsor & Newton 820 round red sable #6 Grumbacher Watercolor Classic Red Sable Paints Sap Green Hooker's Green Dark Cerulean Blue Cobalt Blue Dioxazine Purple Alizarin Crimson Permanent Rose Raw Sienna Burnt Umber Indian Yellow Pthalocyanine Green Paper Watercolor Block (12" x 16") Arches #140 cold pressed Miscellaneous #2 Pencil Kneaded Eraser...
Categories: Step-By-Step Painting Ideas , Watercolor Lessons , Beginner Techniques
Here's a close-up of pink lily flowers painted with wet-on-wet, wet-on-dry and splattering techniques. Video coming soon.
Categories: Step-By-Step Painting Ideas , Watercolor Lessons , Beginner Techniques