American A gifted watercolorist, Rex Brandt hailed from San Diego, California. A year before graduation from UC Berkley in 1936, his influential work was recognized by the publishers of Who's Who and the International Index of Artists. Brandt was part of a regional group of like-minded artists enchanted with the unique light, color and landscape of southern California. Together in 1937 they formed a traveling group exhibition called "The California Group." The group introduced America to the exuberance, color and creativity of this new rogue band of western watercolor painters. Among Brandt's friends in this "en plein air" group of...
Categories: Artists in ActionAmerican "'My aim in painting has always been the most exact transcription possible of my most intimate impressions of nature.' Few artists have painted so honest and revealing a portrait of America as did Edward Hopper. His timeless images of the wayside night cafe, the empty movie theatre, and the Victorian house by the railroad track all live in memory as the ultimate rendering of those subjects. Born in Nyack, New York, along the Hudson River, Hopper began to study art in the local schools before seeking instruction in commercial art in New York City in l899. From l900 to...
Categories: Artists in ActionPerkinsville, Vermont, USA Award-winning, nationally exhibited Vermont artist Robert J. O'Brien has been painting in watercolor for over thirty years. Since moving to New England in 1977, he has focused his brushes on capturing the dynamic light splashing through the landscapes and architecture of the northeast United States. Robert was born in 1954 in Rochester, New York. His creative endeavors in watercolor led him to seek the tutelage of the likes of Tony Couch, James Whatford, and the late Marshall Joyce, A.W.S. Using his mastery of fluid and dry brush techniques as a starting point, Robert strives to capture the...
Categories: Artists in ActionDong Kingman - A Chinese American watercolor artist "Dong Kingman is recognized as one of the premier watercolor masters in America and a pioneer of the California school of painting. Born in Oakland, California as Dong Moy Shu, Mr. Kingman returned to Hong Kong with his family at age five. There, at the Lingnan School, he studied painting with a Paris-trained teacher. When he returned to Oakland in 1929, he already excelled at calligraphy and watercolor painting; however, he enrolled at a local art school to further his studies. A solo exhibition in San Francisco in 1936 elevated him to...
Categories: Artists in ActionWatercolors Lake Oswego, Oregon Maud Durland, an award-winning Oregon watercolor artist, captures her motifs in a figurative and contemporary style. She is known for her calming renderings of landscapes and she also likes to paint a variety of other subjects. Light and shadows are essential components in her paintings. "I'm looking for motifs that are beautiful and make you dream away. I believe we need that to find balance in our busy lives. I am especially fascinated by landscapes. My favorite sceneries I have found in California. I love those rolling hills and the vineyards. When the light is right...
Categories: Artists in ActionAmerican Reginald Marsh is best known for his paintings of New York City daily life: burlesque shows, Coney Island, the Bowery, movie houses, and elevated trains. His favorite resource was Coney Island, where he would rapidly fill sketchbooks with drawings of the bathers in all postures and positions. With additional photographs he developed a fine sense of human form and anatomy. Reginald Marsh was born in Paris, son of two artists, but the family settled in New Jersey when he was two. He graduated Yale University in 1920 and moved to New York where he worked as an illustrator for...
Categories: Artists in ActionPaul Moran, a British artist living in Cairo, Egypt "Watercolour painting is about painting the light. I think the nature of this medium is perfect for capturing an impression of Cairo, or rather how I feel about this city’s amazing landscapes. Looking out of the window on the way to work from Maadi to New Cairo is never uninspiring, but the skies are particularly beautiful in this season; backlit clouds skirting the horizon, soft areas of rose-yellow merging with the low desert hills and skeletal cities. Late afternoon on the way back and huge clouds bustle far away to diffuse...
Categories: Watercolor Paintings Gallery