Learn How to Paint a Cat with Award-Winning Watercolorist Vanda Lavar

Learn how to paint a cat with expert watercolor artist Vanda Lavar. In this tutorial, Vanda will guide you step-by-step through the process of painting a beautiful cat, from creating a detailed sketch to applying the watercolor paint to create a realistic and lifelike image. With her expert guidance and the final image and sketch provided, you'll be able to create a stunning painting that showcases your artistic skills. J

How to paint a cat?

Don't just admire cats - learn how to paint them! This intermediate watercolor painting tutorial will give you the tools to paint a cat in a relaxed style (where you don't have to paint every single hair).

In this tutorial, award-winning artist, Vanda Lavar will guide you step-by-step through the process of painting a beautiful cat. You'll learn how to create an easy sketch *how to draw a cat* as well as how to choose the right colors and apply watercolors to create an accurate kitten likeness. Vanda will also share her expert tips on fur painting, color blocking, and layering. With her guidance, you'll be able to create a stunning painting that showcases your artistic skills.

***This painting would make a great birthday or special occasion present***


Mentored by Renowned Wildlife Artists

Vanda is a professional watercolorist who was mentored by renowned wildlife artists like Carl Brenters and Leslie Harrison. Her expertise and guidance will help you create a beautiful painting that you can be proud of. She is the perfect person to ask how to draw a cat! 

Final Image and Sketch Provided

To make the learning process even easier, each video is accompanied by the final image and the simple sketch Vanda uses in the video. This way, you can follow along and see exactly how she creates the painting from start to finish. You can even print the sketch and trace it onto your watercolor paper.

Why Learn How to Paint a Cat?

Learning how to paint a cat is a great way to capture the essence of these amazing animals and showcase your artistic skills. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced artist, this tutoial is a great way to learn new techniques and take your watercolor skills to the next level.

What Will You Learn?

In this class, you'll learn how to create a detailed sketch of a cat, choose the right colors, and apply watercolor paint to create a beautiful feline image. 

You'll also learn how to use fur painting techniques that greatly simplify the hair-by-hair method). Vanda also shows you how to get around color blocking, and layering to create texture and depth in your painting. 

Vanda will guide you through the properties of watercolors and show you how to use a neutral-based charcoal watercolor to create a grise wash, a technique used as a base for oil painting. You'll learn how to establish the dark side of the cat's face, painting with dry brush techniques and layering with glazes to create fur texture. 

This class is full of little treasures that you can use on other paintings! Another one is the use of  liquid frisket to protect the brightest highlights of the painting while you are working on the other parts. Vanda shows you how to use this tricky medium step by step. 

You can also skip this step and just avoid those bright white areas, just make sure that you are really careful when not using the help of liquid frisket.

You'll learn to keep track of shapes, maintain accurate shadow shapes, and use a dedicated brush to preserve the brightness of the cat's eyes.

Learn How To Paint A Cat

If you're ready to take your watercolor skills to the next level and learn how to paint a cat, then click here to get the supplies list and watch the "Paint this cute furry Tri-Colored Kitten" tutorial today. With Vanda's expert guidance and the final image and sketch provided, you'll be able to recreate this stunning painting and showcase your artistic skills. 

Remember, as a member, you have access to all of the 80 tutorials to help you expand your artistic horizons.

Learning how to paint a cat with Vanda Lavar is a gracious way to expand your watercolor skills. With her expert guidance and the final image and sketch provided, you'll be able to create a beautiful painting that you can be proud of (or gift to someone special). 

Watch the video today and let's paint a cat together! Please email us and show us how you did! 

by Mari (Agnieszka)

October 6th, 2023