How To Copy A Famous Monet Painting Of Water Lilies

Are you interested in learning how to paint like a pro? The award-winning instructor William Dunn takes you through each step to recreate one of Claude Monet's beautiful water lily paintings. Not only will you learn how to mix warm and cool colors for a more interesting painting, but you'll also get tips on how to efficiently work with the materials. The instructor uses a variety of high-quality brushes and Holbein paints to achieve stunning results. Even if you're inexperienced, you'll be able to follow along and create a painting that you'll be proud to display.
Preview Of Class On Copying A Famous Monet Painting: How to turn an oil painting into a watercolor painting. How to copy Monet's techniques and style and paint like a legendary oil painter. How to work with cool and warm colors. How understand size and distance when working with an object. How to lay objects on top of water. How to paint reflections on water without turning everything into a muddy mess. The importance of adding detail to non-difficult pieces. The importance of depth. The importance of approach (standard light to dark). Paints: Holbein Artists’ Watercolors Lemon Yellow Orange Bright Orange Permanent Alizarin Crimson Cadmium Red Light Lavender Deep Purple Deep deep Purple (Mineral Violet) Olive Green Chromium of Oxide Viridian Cobalt Green Leaf Green Cerulean Blue Cobalt Blue Ultramarine Blue Indigo Neutral Tint Ivory Black Burnt Umber Burnt Sienna Yellow Ochre Quinacridone Gold Titantium Buff Pink Watercolor Paper: 210-pound Hahnemuhle Cornwall watercolor paper (12x16) Brushes: Escoda Synthetic Brush (size 20) Snap Brush Need round Brush (size 10) Need round Brush (size 8) Rigger Brush Flat Brush Regular Toothbrush Miscellaneous: A towel, rag, or tray to rest brushes on 2 or 3 inch craft gum tape (2 inch commonly sold in most...

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William Dunn
William Dunn


3.00 Instructor rating