How To Paint A Compelling Still-Life Painting From Common Vegetables

In this beginner tutorial, you'll join seasoned artist William Dunn as he takes a unique approach to practicing watercolor painting using everyday objects. This comprehensive tutorial provides hands-on tips and tricks for bringing your artwork to life. William will guide you through the entire process, from preparing the colors and materials, to sketching out the composition, adding color, and finishing the piece. He'll be working on hot-press watercolor paper. William demonstrates how to layer different colors, blend hues, and adjust values to create vibrant and lively paintings. This video is perfect for those who want to practice more still-life painting and watercolor techniques.
Watercolor Class Preview: How to use "thumbnail sketches" to plan your painting. How to mix realistic colors for vegetables. How to "balance values" throughout a painting to avoid looking like an amateur. How to paint close-ups of leaves and stems. Paints On The Palette (Various Brands) Lemon Yellow Orange Bright Orange Permanent Alizarin Crimson Cadmium Red Light Lavender Deep Purple Deep deep Purple (Mineral Violet) Olive Green Chromium of Oxide Viridian  Cobalt Green Leaf Green Cerulean Blue Cobalt Blue Ultramarine Blue Indigo Neutral Tint Ivory Black Burnt Umber Burnt Sienna Yellow Ochre Quinacridone Gold White paint (in a tube) Watercolor Paper:  Arches 140-pound Hotpress watercolor paper (12x16) Brushes: Escoda Joseph Zbukvic Signature Series Round Brush (20) Escoda Joseph Zbukvic Signature Series Round Brush (12) Escoda Joseph Zbukvic Signature Series Round Brush (8)  Neef Rigger Brush (6) Neef Rigger Brush (8) Neef Rigger Brush (10) Miscellaneous: Mechanical pencil with 0.7 lead for sketching and tracing Container of clean water Auxiliary tray for mixing additional colors A towel or rag to rest brushes on Tissue or paper towel Artists' tape   Original Reference     Thumbnail Sketch     Initial Sketch     Final Painting         What does yours look like? Send it...

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William Dunn
William Dunn


3.00 Instructor rating