How To Watercolor Buildings Like This Fancy Hotel

In this tutorial, award-winning artist William Dunn will teach you how to paint a street scene in San Francisco. He will show you how to easily capture the colorful flags against the white background of the Fairmont Hotel in a loose impressionistic style. Bill will guide you step by step from setting up his palette to keeping the paints activated to putting down the finishing touches on your wall-ready painting. By the end of this video, you will have learned how to capture a city scene with a lot of white or light colors in an easy and fluid way. This is a perfect practice painting for anyone practicing blending, color blocking, or learning a loose painting style.
Preview Of "How To Watercolor Buildings": How to sketch the front of a hotel with an awning, huge archway and many waving flags. How to paint vehicles like limousines and cars. How to use basic colors such as "Neutral Tint" in different methods to capture the feeling of architectural details. Using different colors to paint the different flags and using black for additional detail. How to implement architectural detail to fill a scene with presence of visual stability. Using creative ways to crop "points of interest" effectively. Paints On The Palette (Various Brands) Lemon Yellow Orange Bright Orange Permanent Alizarin Crimson Cadmium Red Light Lavender Deep Purple Deep deep Purple (Mineral Violet) Olive Green Chromium of Oxide Viridian  Cobalt Green Leaf Green Cerulean Blue Cobalt Blue Ultramarine Blue Indigo Neutral Tint Ivory Black Burnt Umber Burnt Sienna Yellow Ochre Quinacridone Gold White paint (in a tube) Watercolor Paper:  Fluid 140-pound rough watercolor paper Brushes: Escoda Joseph Zbukvic Signature Series Round Brush (20) Escoda Joseph Zbukvic Signature Series Round Brush (12) Escoda Joseph Zbukvic Signature Series Round Brush (8)  Neef Rigger Brush (6) Neef Rigger Brush (8) Neef Rigger Brush (10) Miscellaneous: Mechanical pencil with 0.7 lead for sketching and tracing Container of clean water Auxiliary tray for...

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William Dunn
William Dunn


3.00 Instructor rating