Using The Variegated Wash Technique For A Dramatic Sky Landscape

Join Isabella Kung in this amazing tutorial where you get to create an impressionistic landscape! In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a stunning masterpiece that showcases a barn and stormy skies in a field. Isabella will teach you the art of dissecting a landscape, including variegated washes, granulated textures, and breaking down the shapes and value patterns. Isabella will also guide you through the sketch, explaining the value patterns and horizon lines to create a well-composed painting. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned artist, this video is perfect for anyone who wants to practice impressionistic landscapes.
Watercolor Class Preview: How to paint an abstract landscape Learn about the variegated wash technique and how to execute it effectively in your painting How to make a preliminary sketch of a landscape painting using a reference image What to capture in your initial sketch and what to avoid How to access the values in your painting using a reference image How to paint a dramatic sky using a wet-on-wet variegated wash technique How to paint hard to reach places or awkward angles in your painting Why it is important to paint light colors before darker colors How to control your paint from moving around out of control Why squinting helps you gain a new perspective of your painting Why using a select amount of colors helps bring harmony and balance to a painting How to make paint dry faster with a hair dryer without moving paint around How to create a balanced composition Learn the ideal brushes to use for washes and for details How the type of paint affects texture How to create textures that bring harmony and balance to a painting How to use contrast to direct focus Learn about cityscapes and landscapes and how they differ...

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Isabella Kung
Isabella Kung


5.00 Instructor rating