Understanding Perspective

One of the most important skills for a landscape painter is understanding perspective. In this tutorial, Diane Bradley covers all of the basics of perspective in art. Diane explains perspective as being a way to depict the illusion of three dimensions in a two-dimensional space. Using examples from different cities, including Cartagena, Charlotte, North Carolina, Boston, and New York, Diane demonstrates how to use vanishing points to create the illusion of depth and space. She explains how the vanishing point can be selected arbitrarily and everything in the painting should lead towards it. Diane also shows how perspective can bring life and depth to a painting, making it more interesting than a flat two-dimensional piece. She emphasizes that perspective is simply a way of designating space and is an essential tool for artists to understand.
Watercolor Class Preview: Learn the basics of creating accurate perspective in your paintings Why perspective is important when composing a painting Learn what a horizon and vanishing point is and how it relates to the rest of your painting How to choose the vanishing point in a painting How to sketch a drawing of a building using a vanishing point as a reference How to determine a vanishing point in an existing painting using tracing paper, a ruler, and a pencil How to use perspective to create interest and three-dimensional effects in your painting How to align the perspective of details like windows, roof, streets, cars by using a ruler to draw angled lines towards the vanishing point       Escoda Signature Series Artist Watercolor Brush Set

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Diane Bradley
Diane Bradley


4.33 Instructor rating