Lettering: Thankful

"Thankful" is a seasonal tutorial by Vinita Pappas where you will learn how to create a stunning watercolor painting with lettering. Vinita will guide you through the process of making a methodical and detailed painting, starting with creating a sketch on newsprint, which you can transfer onto a clean piece of paper if needed. She will demonstrate how to use a combination of muted colors like fern, sienna, cerulean blue, cobalt, turquoise, and more to create a beautiful wash that sets the foundation for your painting. Vinita will show you how to add the lettering to your painting. She will share her techniques on how to fill in the letters with paint without painting too tightly. Next, she will demonstrate how to create the leaf shapes, using a green color that is darker than the wash but not as dark as the letters. The final result will be a beautiful wall-ready Thanksgiving-themed piece titled "Thankful". This painting can be used for a variety of purposes, from standalone artwork to a beautiful greeting card. With Vinita's guidance, you'll be able to create a watercolor masterpiece that will leave you feeling accomplished and grateful.
Watercolor Class Preview: How to paint a design without a reference photo How to draw an initial sketch using newsprint before transferring to watercolor paper Why tilting your canvas can help you quickly paint a large background wash How to paint more precisely by adjusting your grip How to paint letters Why sitting down helps you paint details How to paint close-up leaves with the help of paper towels and an X-Acto knife How to paint acorns How to paint highlights and shadows How to paint a background wash around existing paint Initial Sketch    Final Painting         What does yours look like? Send it to us via a message on our Facebook page so we can admire your work and if we have your permission, we can also share it on the page and our website: www.facebook.com/watercolorpaintingcom   Watercolor Kit (Complete) with Artbook Creative DIY Gift Watercolor Palette Paints Insparea How-to Coloring Watercolor Sketchbook Like Paint by Numbers

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Vinita Pappas
Vinita Pappas


5.00 Instructor rating