Fur Painting Techniques: Paint the White Baby Fox

This advanced watercolor painting tutorial is led by an award-winning watercolorist Isabella Kung. She will walk you step by step through creating this challenging baby fox. One of the most challenging things when painting an animal is depicting white fur realistically. Isabella is a professional artist with years of fur painting experience. In this video, she guides you through the process of painting a white fox from start to finish, highlighting all of her specialized techniques and tools. Isabella shares her expertise in using dry brushing to bring out the white fur and how she uses masking fluid to save the whitest parts white. She emphasizes the importance of being sensitive to the paper's dryness and wetness and the time-sensitive nature of this challenging subject in watercolor painting. Join Isabella in this detailed and informative tutorial and learn how to paint a stunning white baby fox with watercolor.
Watercolor Class Preview: Kung gives a live lesson to a live audience, complete with questions from the audience Learn to paint a photo-realistic white fox How to plan your painting from light values to dark values How to preserve parts of white paper using liquid frisket before you begin painting How to prep and protect a paintbrush with liquid soap before using it with liquid frisket Learn about the differences, pros, and cons of natural hair and synthetic paintbrushes How to wet your pallet of colors with a spray bottle before you begin painting How to prep your watercolor paper with masking tape and then sketch your picture before you begin painting Learn about cold press watercolor paper and why it is ideal for this painting Why painting a plain white wash is not ideal for painting white subjects How to identify the different variety of colors within a white colored subject How to wet your watercolor paper with a spray bottle to prep for using a wet on wet technique How a wet on wet technique helps blend colors together How to paint the light colors in the first layer and why it is best to paint light colors first How...

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Isabella Kung
Isabella Kung


5.00 Instructor rating